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Insight Timer

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Discover and cultivate your inner Zen!

Awareness and relaxation are cultivated in many ways. Insight Timer not only brings more peace and calm to our frantic lives, but a consistent practice of meditation techniques by the app can alleviate depression and anxiety, and even prevent heart disease.

Insight Timer has helped hundreds of people achieve peace of mind, enhance quality of sleep, and a healthy management of stress and worry.
You don’t have to be a guru or a Zen master to use the app because Insight Timer is for everyone -- novice or expert alike.

Insight Timer features hundreds of guided meditations and meditation music led by top experts, neuroscientists, meditation practitioners from around the world.

Through this process, you will learn that to meditate effectively, you need to discover “the thing” that works for you. Insight Timer’s expert guidance will do this for you.
You have customizable settings to choose from - multiple languages, categories that will suit your current needs (self-love, relationships, focus, stress-reduction, mindful eating, leadership, addictions, etc.)

Reclaim your inner power and peace at no cost at all because Insight Timer is absolutely FREE!

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