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Deals Tracker for eBay PRO on MyAppFree
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App of the Day

Deals Tracker for eBay PRO

New deals every day
3.99 $

If you love buying and selling everything on eBay, the new Deals Tracker for eBay PRO app is for you!

This app gives you the ability to specify your filters in your desktop browser and then transfer it over to your Android device for a super simple and easy search.

You get unlimited subscriptions and iCloud backup, meaning all of your remote subscriptions can be accessed from any location. Better yet, there are absolutely no ads on this version of the Deals Tracker app.

With the PRO tracker mode enabled, you can get instant notifications about the items you’re interested in. This gives you a higher chance to be the first bidder and find the best details. You can also enable the stop/start auto deal fetcher that recommends the best deals for you based on your searches and interests.

No more having to log in every day and check for any new listings! The Deals Tracker for eBay app will help you track and define searches, and notifies you every time a relevant item is uploaded onto the app. Simply add a subscription to the relevant items and you will be notified by the app when the new items arrive.

Whether you want to find a bargain item for your wardrobe or a rare antique for your home, this app provides real-time instant alerts so you won’t miss out! It supports multiple eBay websites across the world.

Not only does this app save you time and stress trying to find the best deals, but it can save you so much money! Be the first to bid and win your desired items.

The Deals Tracker for eBay PRO app is on sale for a limited time only. Download it before the sale ends!

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Apps' Sorcerer

Designer who loves turn-based strategy games and old-school RPGs.

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