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My Study Life - Digital School Planner You Need on MyAppFree
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My Study Life - Digital School Planner You Need

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Full academic calendar

My Study Life is dedicated to servicing students beyond just the revision period. The app comes with a full academic year calendar subdivided by weeks so you can input all the relevant information, including important holidays and breaks.

There's provision to key in the lecture room, subject, time, teacher, and if you like the seat number. If you are not accustomed to non-repetitive classes, don't break a sweat trying to remember the fluid routines. Sure fixated classes are easy to recall, but with lectures that occur once, twice, in x number of weeks, a little memory aid can save you the trouble of running late or missing the session altogether. With the app’s rotation technology this ceases to be a challenge!

Also, My Study Life is accessible on multiple platforms, iOS included. This means you can have it on just about any device and synch them all for harmony. So anytime it feels convenient to use your computer, the same information is transferable to your mobile phone without delay.  And this translates to other electronics such as Ipads, et cetera.

 Are you tired of losing your school data? Get the MyStudy Life now and experience the difference!

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