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Bitwarden on MyAppFree
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Bitwarden manages all anticipated tasks of password manager and incorporates functionality such as secure sharing and authentication of two-factor functions.

Bitwarden is 100% open source. Meaning, anyone can use the program for any purpose; there are no licensing fees or other restrictions on the software.

The app is fully encrypted.You just don't get that anywhere else in the app market. It's simply one of the best apps you can use to help you stay safe online.

To start using Bitwarden, just download the app for your platform and sign-up in-app. By default Bitwarden creates alphanumeric passwords of 14 characters. It is recommended that the length should be increased to at least 16 and that the box should include special characters. 

You can depend on the app’s trustworthiness for your online activities. Bitwarden is free and will stay free forever! 

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