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Hyper Casual Database Puzzle on MyAppFree
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Hyper Casual Database Puzzle

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Have you ever wondered how databases actually work? Every day we interact with them, sending thousands of requests for processing - in social networks, instant messengers, on websites and in applications. But what happens to them next? So we decided to make a game for you, where you can be in the role of the database itself.

In reality, as in the game, there are 4 types of queries — Select, Insert, Update and Delete. Each of these requests requires you to perform certain actions and only in a certain table. You will have to sort the queries, take any of them - and, in fact, execute them in the required table. And requests will pour in and out on you as if from a bucket, and it is important for you to have time to complete them all - otherwise the stack will overflow and the database will stop responding! And the hyper casual style of play will not let you get bored: almost mini-cyberpunk will take place around with excellent musical accompaniment. Just try the free Hyper Casual Database Puzzle on Android and see for yourself.

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Apps' Sorcerer

Designer who loves turn-based strategy games and old-school RPGs.

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