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Deezer Music Player: Songs, Playlists & Podcasts on MyAppFree
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Deezer Music Player: Songs, Playlists & Podcasts

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Music and social platform in one place

A true rival to other superiors would be Deezer. A one-wonder app that wittily provides great music features while still maintaining an interactive platform. Click on the bell icon on” My music tab” and receive notifications when artists post new music. Better yet, share the experience with close friends and family. Yes, you heard right. The app in itself is a social platform where you can interact with friends as well.  And just so you know, Deezer supports music sharing so you don't have to post via Facebook or text.

On the homepage, you'll find popular playlist recommendations. Simply press like if you wish to have any one added to your favorite song lists. To add to that is "Flow" which acts like a personal soundtrack mix. It updates as you listen to favorite songs without you having to add to the queue or schedule play next. Your work is made easy! And this tiny microphone icon next to the songs pops up the lyrics as the song goes. Have a karaoke fest packed with fun!

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