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Kahoot! Play & Create Quizzes on MyAppFree
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Kahoot! Play & Create Quizzes

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Kahoot is a great app for both teachers and students

Kahoot is a quiz-based game that allows you to come up with quizzes to test yourself and friends at school or work place. It is a mind-stimulating app that helps you learn new things and challenge your friends to expand their knowledge base! It is now available in Spanish to expand its reach. You can create your kahoots and find other players, ready to play with you on your set challenges.

It is a great app for both teachers and students, especially if you target general knowledge. Aside from the school setting, companies can also take a second and engage their employees in this app's virtual experience, where they get to learn more.

The application is easy to use and seeks to uphold the gain of knowledge. In this vein, it is free to download for students and teachers. However, companies have to pay a subscription fee to use Kahoot. The app is compatible with many devices and does not consume much storage space. 

Download Kahoot and challenge your thinking to broader dimensions!

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