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Mini Pets on MyAppFree
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Mini Pets

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Mini Pets is a hyper-casual 2D digital pet game where you raise a virtual pet by feeding it, playing with it, and cleaning it every 8 hours.

These actions of caring for your virtual pet will allow you to gain the levels necessary to evolve your pet into different colours/types.

This game currently features eight different pets that could be unlocked, inclusive of a SUPER RARE fire slime pet that can only be unlocked with a 1% chance!
With eight different pets that can be unlocked, and calming musical soundtracks, this game is ideal when you have spare pockets of time available, such as riding on the bus or train!

This is a completely free-to-play game and there are no in-app purchases.
A great, simple, hyper-casual and low maintenance game for people of all ages! 

Download Mini Pets today, start raising your virtual pet, and watch it grow!

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