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VoiceTube is your one-stop-shop app to mastering the English language.

English is without a doubt the universal language. Wherever you go, you would find that people can understand and speak English.

If you’re planning on studying, working, or even just traveling to a different country where majority of the people speak the language and you don’t? Well, VoiceTube is here to serve as your master English teacher.

VoiceTube utilizes popular YouTube videos as the chosen medium for engaging users. The video contents are categorized into common conversational topics.There’s Food and Lifestyle, entertainment, Science & Technology, among several other topics.

Learn to speak authentic english directly from subtitled videos. To help speed up your learning, the app  includes access to a dictionary, audio pronunciations.

There’s no better time to learn than now! So, download the app for free to begin your lessons!

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