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The Mindfulness App: relax, calm, focus and sleep on MyAppFree
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The Mindfulness App: relax, calm, focus and sleep

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From beginner to a guru, The Mindfulness App is a straightforward- no-nonsense app that can support your mindfulness journey.

The free feature is jam-packed with offerings that hold space for you that can give you clarity and peace of mind when starting your day. Your meditations were also added with a feature where you can choose how you will start and end your meditation either with a bell or with nature sounds. 

Since this focuses on mindfulness and mental wellbeing. This meditation app’s interface is free of clutter, straightforward, and easy to use. It features peaceful imagery that gives you calm at the onset of opening the app. The color blue and white that dominates the app reminds us of the peaceful sky on a sunny day. Meditation prompts and reminders are also one of the features that keep the user mindful all throughout the day. The timed session gives flexibility and a non-invasive approach to remind one to breathe in the middle of a busy day. 

This meditation app can be enjoyed both on Android and iOS.

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