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Battery Saver - Battery Doctor on MyAppFree
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Battery Saver - Battery Doctor

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Battery Doctor will make you stop with negative charging habits

Just as the name suggests, the battery doctor works like a therapeutic tool for your phone. Why, you ask? See how we tend to leave our phones carelessly charging for long hours, and in the long run, the battery strength begins to wear down?

Not anymore! This app tells you how much time is left to reach a maximum of 100%, so you know when to unplug it. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Battery Doctor also keeps a record of your charging schedules, that is, exactly how many recharges occurred in the day.

This information is computed in 3 different tabs one showing full charge, the other normal charge (without getting to 100%), and lastly the overcharge icon. So if you happened to plug in your phone, say twice during the day, perhaps the second time just for a brief power boost, this activity is logged into the records. And get this, if an overcharge occurred, it additionally displays by how much time!

Need an app that will deliver you from negative charging habits? Look no further. Available too for IOS phones at no extra charges. Get it today!

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