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ClevCalc - Calculator on MyAppFree
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ClevCalc - Calculator

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ClevCalc is the all-in-one calculator/unit converter/currency converter plus many more functions! You’ll never need to Google everyday calculations again!

I’m sure I’m not the only one who budgets my groceries and diligently calculates my expenses. Some of you have businesses and deal with money all the time. If you need an all-around app that has all the basic and complex functions of arithmetic, ClevCalc is the only app for you!

But wait, there’s more! Are you traveling to a foreign country? Having trouble with getting a sense of their currency value? No worries...ClevCalc has a currency converter which supports 132 countries!

Ladies, if you aren’t sold yet...This app contains a feature that caters to you. It has an Ovulation Calculator so you can keep track of your fertile days and even create notes for yourself.

ClevCalc also has a World Time Converter, GPA calculator, BMI converter, Tip calculator, and so much more!  All of these things...for FREE!

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