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Take control of the weather in your photos and turn them all into insta-worthy pics!

Imagine this, you have planned the perfect outfit to enjoy the outdoors...for a short trek to the nearest hill, perhaps? Or maybe you plan to go out and get a cup of coffee in an open cafe? By the time you’re ready to go out...the skies turn dark and gloomy :( 
But do not fret! PICNIC has the power to turn gloomy weather into picturesque skies! 

Don’t hesitate to take that photo. Use the sky as a backdrop, because PICNIC instantly identifies the sky section and you can then choose from various options with different shades of blue, different cloud patterns to replace the dark, sad sky. 

Also, the app seamlessly blends the filter into your photo. People wouldn’t be able to tell the difference at all! Now, you’re finally ready to upload the pic to your socials.

The best thing about this app is it’s downloadable for FREE!

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