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Trivia Crack Kingdoms on MyAppFree
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Trivia Crack Kingdoms

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Put your knowledge about random stuff to the tet and compete with other players in this fun game of trivia!

Not anybody can claim to know what quantum physics is or have an in depth understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy. But there are people out there (ie: YOU)  who can answer questions about the Harry Potter books or about Football or even History! 

And this is the perfect game to showcase your knowledge on your topics of interest. The questions are really fun and some of them will really challenge you even if you claim to be an expert on said topic. There are some obscure details that you might have missed. 

Play against your friends and family… Invite them and test your bank of information to find out who will climb up the scoreboard. 

Having an argument with your friend about who the greatest Lord of the Rings expert is? Well, settle it once and for all by playing Trivia Crack Kingdoms! 
I must warn you… This game is highly addicting. 

Download this for free right now! 

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