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Chess Coach on MyAppFree
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Chess Coach

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This app will lead you through strategic fundamentals, combination movements, and opening and closing tactics.

Chess has something to give anyone — from better memory and improved cognitive quality to new friends and experiences. Playing chess is the best way to learn it and if you don't have someone else to play with, you've got your mobile phone.

Chess Coach is a simple chess app that allows you to play with varying degrees against your device. You have the option to go online and play with other users or with your friends and participate in tournaments.

Get to expert level with 14 special sections provided in the advanced study. There are five board themes to choose from to suit your mood while playing and increase your visualization skills. And if you ever get stuck playing, the app will give you hints.

Chess Coach is FREE! Yet, the app has tiered levels of difficulty that will surely challenge you, and not just random, simplistic puzzles thrown at you. Who knows you’ll make it Grandmaster! 

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