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Zello PTT Walkie Talkie on MyAppFree
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Zello PTT Walkie Talkie

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Zello provides a modern twist on the classic walkie talkie.

With more than 125 million in downloads, Zello is the top walkie talkie app in the world. 

In this extremely fast-paced world we live in, time is everything. With Zello you eliminate the need for manually typing out everything you need to say. With one push of a button, you can instantly connect with others and converse. Why not just call them, you ask? Well, for starters...Zello is free to download and use. You simply need to be connected to the internet to use it. This’ll save your precious minutes.

Zello also allows you the option to contact and talk to multiple people at once. You can send instant voice messages to all your family members or friends with the app. 

Zello eliminates the need for you to text while driving, making it safer to communicate while keeping your eyes on the road.

The app is compatible with virtually all devices. It is supported by Android, Apple, and Windows devices.

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