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Run Race 3D

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Run Race 3D allows you to engage in the extreme sport of Parkour without the added danger...but equally just as exciting!

Parkour is a unique blend of physicality, creativity, and quick-thinking. In parkour, you dash and navigate through one obstacle after the other. Run Race 3D provides a platform for you to do all these things and more!

Jump, roll, flip and leap your way through every hurdle in this quirky game. You will quite literally be running up the walls and rocketing through the sky using springboards in order to get through a level.

This game, with its bright and lively colors, will get your blood pumping and have you playing for hours. 

You will never run out of thrilling ways to dash and hurtle through traps and enemies. The goal is to climb up the scoreboard and accumulating rewards to show players from around the globe who the real expert is!

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