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Give your phone a cleaner look and reduce your notifications alert by using Notisave.

Notisave is the app that will declutter your phone’s status bar. With Notisave, you can hide notifications from your lockscreen. This minimizes the intrusive alerts you get from your social, game, and fitness apps etc.

Essentially, Notisave is perfect if you feel like the flood of notifications from apps is overwhelming and too much. Rest assured, Notisave does not block or delete the notifications. They are all stored within the Notisave app and one simple tap on the Notisave icon in your phone’s status bar will redirect you to the list of notifications you have received. You then have the option to ignore the notifications or tap on them to interact with them in the app they originated from. Simple & easy!

With Notisave, app navigation and interaction with the alerts will be a breeze! So download it for free now and you’ll realize this is the app that you have been missing out on!

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