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Go absolutely wild in this highly energized battle-royale type game

Zooba is a crazy, action-packed multiplayer game which does not run out of surprises and fun things to do.

Zooba is so fun to play, you get to use crazy high-powered weapons to kill off your enemies. Aaaand you also play as one of the 10 adorably deadly animals available.

Like every Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) type game, Zooba is a free-for-all wherein you get to hunt down and target whichever player until you are the last animal standing. The arena is also littered with a variety of weapons, upgrades, medkits etc. to help you on your quest.

Channel all your stresses in life into attacking equally deadly animal enemies and defending yourself. Join the millions and millions of people who have given this game a shot and loved it!

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