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Journey your way to mental wellness with your very own charming, self-care chatbot and chase those daily stresses away!

If you think that you’re dealing with symptoms of loneliness, sadness, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, pain management, and even addiction, Woebot is a handy companion to make your hours and days bearable. 

Every day, Woebot checks in with you and guides you through useful practices based on tested and proven approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

Daily check-ins from Woebot begins with a question about where you are and what you are doing. It asks you to pick a quick emoji which will describe what you feel. That is pretty simple, right? 

Over time, Woebot maps certain emoji responses to help illustrate patterns, then shares this chart with you. Checking in daily will help you understand your moods and thoughts better. 

What’s not to love about this pocket-size expert? You’ll love it even more because it’s FREE!

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