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Sleep Sounds Offline - Calming on MyAppFree
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App del Giorno

Sleep Sounds Offline - Calming

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14.99 €

Sleep Sounds Offline - Calming

2.14.40 Campfire movie & sound added
2.14.25 Beach movie & sound added
2.14.22 Terms of service added
2.14.18 Sleep hygiene added
1.2.5 The sound fades out and the screen dims when the timer is over.
1.2.3 Add 6 types of meditation music and timers
1.2.2 Free users can also listen to the endless loop sound.
1.2.2 Premium subscription added
1.2.1 Birds sound added.
1.1.2 Dryer sound added.
1.1.1 Streamflow sound added.
1.1.0 Rainfall sound added.
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