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Old School RuneScape on MyAppFree
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Old School RuneScape


The Game Every Teenager Obsessed About in 2001

How many times did you as a teenager beg to go to the library in the summer of 2001? No, you probably were not going to read a book. Instead, you wanted to use two hours of internet time to play RuneScape. Although not the first MMORPG, Old School RuneScape was one of the first second-generation, graphics-based MMORPGs to become a commercial success.

Think of this game as a medieval fantasy adventure, only you get to interact with other players in the same world. Your health bar appears above your head, and you get to level up like most any other video game. Games like Old School RuneScape are everywhere now. But this one was the first to do it right. How goofy do those dragons look?

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