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Share your feedback and receive a 10$ Amazon gift card. on MyAppFree
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Share your feedback and receive a 10$ Amazon gift card.


Share your feedback and receive a 10$ Amazon gift card.

Hi There! 


We would like to know you a little better and how we can improve your mobile gaming experience. 

Do you play mobile games, and are you familiar with using in-game offerwalls*? Then we would love to ask you some questions.

The interview is online and will take about 20 minutes of your time. As a thank you, you will receive a 10$ Amazon gift card.

Are you living in the US, and do you use in-game offerwalls? Then we are looking for you!


Interested? Leave your availability in the following form, and we will contact you as soon as possible to schedule a call.


*Offerwalls look like mini-stores inside a mobile game. They list actions players can take to receive a reward inside the game. Actions can be downloading another game, watching an ad, or filling out a survey. 

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