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Best Games similar to Pokémon on MyAppFree
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Best Games similar to Pokémon

A selection of mobile Pokémon look alikes!

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Best Games similar to Pokémon

A world with no entertainment can be tedious. Mobile games are the real deal for providing people with amusement. They play a significant role in people’s daily lives, especially those who find themselves idle and want to break the boredom. So, developers find new ideas daily to keep people updated whenever a new game is out. Pokémon is ranked as one of the best open-world games available in the market today. 

You can loose yourself in these mind-blowing games that involve players battling by traveling in different regions. Moreover, the players have to work tirelessly to defeat other trainers to increase their size and strength. Also, catching and evolving Pokémon is part of the game, and those players with super-effective moves may emerge being the winners. However, there are some games similar to Pokémon in role-playing games. We will review five of these best mobile games in great detail. Also, the good thing about them is that they are accessible for both Android and iOS so that every player can take part in the games.

Here are the four best games similar to Pokémon:  


Orna: The GPS RPG



MHST The Adventure Begins



Beastie Bay


4. EvoCreo - Pocket Monster Game

EvoCreo - Pocket Monster Game

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